August 23, 2009 journal, I learned today the federal government will pay your funeral expenses. Money is flying like birds while the cookie crumbles and the American dream goes down the drain. They pay you $8,000 for a first time new house buyer. They pay you $4,500 to buy a new car. They pay you not to work or not to farm. Yet, all of this is not helping the economy one bit. Cancellation of another moon trip through space will cut 10,000 jobs from NASA. We have reached a point where we cannot print anymore money. Every dollar we print to buy in Treasury notes just devalues what is in the field. They put out the word now that the recession is over because a few people bought cars and a few people bought houses. The car dealers are up the creek because they have not collected money from the government yet for the clunker program that ends tomorrow. While foreclosures and unemployment rise as the banks cut off more credit after bailout after bailout & more bailout, what is artificial has become unrealistic a crash is imminent. The money lords own the Federal Reserve. Try the name Chase Bank or for the name of Chase Manhattan for a search for the problem. Try the name of J.P. Morgan Chase Bank. These are the people that tell their Federal Reserve how much money to give them even if they need to have Congress act on it. They have Congress in their pocket as always from 1913 when the dollar was worth a dollar backed by gold & silver in Fort Knox Kentucky. The American people have no freedom of choice in the 21st century, they are only slaves. Just keep on watching television propaganda making sure to be politically correct in all things while they lead us straight off the cliff into hellfire & brimstone, the lake of debris. They will print the money and pay for your cremation right away and you will be ashes. Nothing has changed, we are still headed for destruction of this monetary system and this government entirely and suddenly not many days from now is what I feel in my britches. When we set God aside and started killing babies in the name of freedom of choice we set forth our own doom. No man on earth can save it not even the Antichrist from the 7 hills. As we watch the country fall apart with ever growing foreclosures listed for auction sale in the newspaper literally hundreds, the gospel of happy times' motivation does not fit the scene of reality. Will somebody be brave enough to stand up to sound a horn of warning. As we watch this country decay the health care issues are like changing around the chairs on the deck of the Titanic. Until major surgery separates the awful insurance companies from the health care system and extracts the dollar greenback from health care making the hospitals free of charge, then nothing will work. Until the pharmaceuticals are extracted and this country goes to natural cures with herbal treatment for "healing of the nations". Doctors make a killing while most people cannot afford to pay the modern medical rates. The insurance industry magnates are not about to stand by and see their goldmine taken. This is basically the wording of the cease and desist order I will use on the mighty Chase Bank to dispute a credit card account they acquired from Washington Mutual Bank who acquired it from some other bank before that. I have been harassed with up to 12 calls a day from India trying to collect where my financial data was compromised to a foreign country and the callers could barely speak English. Chase bank claims to be the original lender because otherwise they would be subject to the Cease and Desist federal law. "Pursuant to my rights under federal debt collection laws, I am requesting that you cease and desist communication with me, as well as my family and friends, in relation to this and all other alleged debts you claim I owe. You are hereby notified that if you do not comply with this request, I will file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission".